Jembayan Mine
Jembayan mine covers an area of over 12,000 hectares in East Kalimantan, some 150 kilometres north west of Balikpapan and 80 kilometres inland.
The mine was acquired by Sakari in December 2007 and the achievements since then have been remarkable. Production grew from 4 million tonnes to nearly 10 million tonnes. The resource has grown from about 50 million tonnes (non-JORC) to 604 million tonnes (JORC) and reserves have grown to 142 million tonnes (JORC “Marketable” category).
The mine, which is multi-pit, has its own barging port, reached by a 26 kilometre road, from where product is barged some 70 nautical miles down the Mahakam River for loading at sea.
Video of PT Jembayan Muarabara Mine (Oct 2021)
Jembayan produces a medium quality sub-bituminous coal with low moisture and low sulphur characteristics. The mine has infrastructure in place with a rated nominal capacity of over 12 million tonnes per year.